Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My cooking

I like to eat, but not good in cooking. I willing to cook, I like to follow some cooking books, 我觉得可爱的,我会学习书里的方法,把食物弄的美美的,给孩子吃,希望他们喜欢.

hotdog, cut it like octopus

apple cut as rabbit



egg, cucumber, prawn, baby tomota, add Mayonnaise on top

prawns cut like this, after cooked, it will be nicer look.

prawn after cooked

I like mango, I like to make it beautiful, then eat. haha

mango and orange
 my cooking: 潮州粥

潮州粥: 有皮蛋,鸡蛋,午餐肉,油条,蒸肉饼.

my cooking: 面包鸡蛋

My cooking: western breakfast

bread, hotdog, ham, scramble egg, cucumber, salad.

1 comment:

Carolyn (Lil' Dahling) said...

you really got patience..very good!