Thursday, October 27, 2011

I love Pyssla Beads

Nowadays I crazy with Pyssla Beads. Maybe I had influrenced by Submerryn.

Some of the picture learn from other Blogger, some I create by myself. I like to search the picture from Internet, after that i took picture in my hp and do it at home.

I bought Pyssla Beads from IKEA (children section), it cost RM29 a box and the base cost RM7.90. I also bought from Toy r Us, 3500 beads a botol cost RM19.90.

For me, Pyssla Beads can help to train our patient and creativity. I am glad that both my children like to see and play beads with me. Sometimes they help me to find the colours, sometimes I left one part for them to fill up, sometimes they suggest other colours for me, sometime Harry create a picture by himself. 

Show you some photos. 我的杰作

huge box of Pyssla Beads from IKEA (children section), it cost RM29 a box.

heart shape

Ladybird, hehe, not look like

Watermelon 咬了一口的西瓜






Minnie Mouse

Car - Harry want it in blue colour

Harry creation - he said it is green house, look alike?

Bee - Harry make it himself, 30 of bees, he said he want to give to his school friend on graduation day, hopefully his friends remember him when they see the bee 

Harry with his bees

Donald duck

Donald duck, rainbow and musical note

Belle concentrate on playing beads

Harry concentrate on doing his bees

Can I ask, where can i get only 1 colour, for example, white beads only or black beads only? I lack of this 2 colours, but all of them sell is various colour in 1 botol, i don't need other colour because I have plenty of them.

Can I ask, where can i get bigger base? because i want to put "Isabelle", but is too many words, base tak cukup panjang.

Tips: If you want the beads stick together harder, you can iron for both side. then it will not easily break or separate.
Another tips, you can buy a tweezer (as Harry hold) to hold the beads because beads are very small. Kids will feel easy to pick up the beats with the tweezer.


martha said...

we love these beads too and have spent time making things out of them. My girls like to make pendants with them. :)

Kok Ling said...

Martha: ya, it is very fun. how can i look at your post about beads?

Anonymous said...

Hi! I am also crazy for pyssla beads!!

For the individual color beads, you need to purchase online through international seller like; (USA) or (UK)

Both website got sell pegboards ( the papan)tooo! )

Love the pieces you make!

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,

The beads & board are now available to purchase in Malaysia. Please contact me if you have enquiry. We carry Hama beads which is made in Denmark, it is rank the top 3 brand in pixel beads.

Aine Inani said...

Are you still selling the beads from denmark untill now? If yes i would like to purchase it.

Chaoz Crazee said...

Get them at